Meet The Advisor:

Sukhinder Singh Cassidy

AllVoices benefits from valuable relationships with trusted advisors, each impactful in their field. We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the diverse group of mission-driven people working on compelling problems who provide powerful insight into AllVoices’ growth. 

For the next interview of our Meet the Advisors Series, please meet Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, digital leader, entrepreneur, board member, and investor. 

1. What excites you most about AllVoices?

I love that AV provides a productive and proactive platform for improving culture, for both the employee who has concerns, and the company to understand them, in a solution oriented environment. I think this is empowering to both sides, while also being safe and confidential. 

2. How have you seen the media conversation around employee reporting evolve over the past 3-5 years?

I think that we've seen an evolution in this regard. With the absence of platforms or solutions for people to engage with their companies in a safe environment, they have often needed to go to the media as a last resort to get attention on big and concerning issues.  Thus the media provided the largest avenue to get an issue surfaced and then resolved , and also pressure to create more systemic change.  But going to the press is far from the ideal outcome anyone would have wished for.   

Now, with the emergence of safe solutions to help companies and employees resolve issues, fewer issues may. make it to the  "big stories"  stage, but hopefully that is a function of issues actually getting surfaced and solved vs suppressed. 

3. From your perspective, why would organizations use a tool like AllVoices?

Organizations need to find platforms to provide a productive and safe space for resolution to employee concerns if they want to create winning cultures. Every company in the world needs to attract talent to help them win and then retain that talent. And in an increasingly competitive world of work, people will go to and stay longer in environments where they can thrive and feel fully included and able to operate at their best.  So the ROI on investing in platforms like AllVoices is absolutely clear and only growing.

Meet The Advisors

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