
The Essential Guide to Employee Feedback Management

AllVoices Team
AllVoices Team
October 26, 2021
20 Min Read
The Essential Guide to Employee Feedback Management

The power between employees and employers has been shifting.

We’ve seen it play out in the news over and over again in the past few years, starting with Susan Fowler’s blog post about the issues she raised at Uber, and the retaliation she experienced for reporting them. Issues at Google concerning discrimination and retaliation have been surfacing for a few years now. Recently, Apple employees who have experienced harassment, racism, and other mistreatment started a website to share their stores after their internal efforts met a dead end. Add to that discrimination and harassment cases at Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Pinterest, Warner Bros

What we’re seeing is the ability for employees who have felt like they haven’t had a voice in their workplace, or the ability to speak up about the issues and concerns they see around them, bypass an unaware, indifferent, or deliberately hostile workplace to share that feedback with the world.

And the world is listening.

What these vocalized concerns playing out in the media really shows us is that many organizations lack the internal programs and initiatives to allow employees to voice their feedback, and to address those issues when they’re reported. What it also shows is that it’s time for organizations to implement employee feedback management platforms, and to change their culture as they know it.

This “Essential Guide to Employee Feedback Management” will address what an organization looking to implement or expand its employee feedback program needs to know, including:

  • What is Employee Feedback Management (and Why Does It Matter)?
  • The History of Employee Feedback Management
  • Why Your Company Needs an Employee Feedback Management Platform
  • Key Features in an Employee Feedback Management Platform
  • Benefits and Challenges of Proper Employee Feedback Management
  • How to Measure the Success of Employee Feedback Management
  • How Proper Employee Feedback Management Impacts the Bottom Line of a Company
  • How to Implement an Employee Feedback Management Program
  • Best Practices for a Successful Feedback Program
  • Employee Feedback Management Today and Tomorrow

In order to save revenue, reputation, and — above all — valued employees, now is the time for organizations to commit to truly listening from their workforce, and making the changes needed.

What is Employee Feedback Management (and Why Does It Matter)?

TL;DR: Employee feedback surfaces issues in the workplace, which can improve employee morale, retention, and feelings of safety. But oftentimes, there are barriers to giving that feedback, like fear of retaliation, or fear of not being believed. A good system of employee feedback management will help organizations ensure they're not only getting honest feedback, but that they’re resolving the issues that arise.

Companies can’t have a one-sided relationship with their employees if they want their organizations to be successful. The only way to create a thriving, engaging work culture is to hear from their employees about what’s going well and what’s not — and then taking action to fix it.

But too often organizations are complacent in their feedback programs, don’t take action when issues arise, or aren’t providing the right channels through which employees can honestly report their feedback, without fear of retaliation.

The need for employee feedback

When we talk about employee feedback, we’re not talking about yearly performance reviews, where managers applaud their employees for what they’re doing right, and tell them to take action on what they could be doing better. We’re essentially referring to the opposite relationship: Employees being able to share their feedback about their workplace with their managers, directors, or HR departments. This could include voicing concerns about stress or workload, giving suggestions on ways to improve morale or engagement, or reporting issues like discrimination or sexual harassment.

Barriers to employee feedback

Unfortunately, the assumption that if you simply ask for feedback and create a way to submit feedback, employees will be more than eager to give that feedback is false. 

Even if channels are available, there’s a distinct hesitancy among many employees to report their feedback. Most of that hesitancy, as we’ve found in our multiple reports, comes from either fear of retaliation — that if they give feedback on more serious issues around the office they’ll be punished for it — or they don’t report because they believe nothing will be done about it.

In our “State of Workplace Wrongdoing 2021” report, we found that 31% didn’t report because they believed no action would be taken anyway, and 28% didn’t report because they feared retaliation in the form of a demotion, job loss, gossip, or shaming.

The question for organizations then becomes, “How do I ensure I’m receiving open and honest feedback, and put in place measures to assure employees that something will be done about it and that they won’t face retaliation?” 

What is employee feedback management?

Organizations should want to hear employee concerns not just to be aware of what’s going on in their work environment, but to take action before the issue affects morale and engagement, and leads to an uncomfortable or even toxic work environment. This is why an organization needs to not just have an employee feedback program, but a way to manage that program.

Employee feedback management allows organizations to cultivate the employee feedback they need to know, and track real-time data on their employees’ questions, concerns, and feedback. Gathering employee feedback in a centralized collection also allows organizations to analyze that data for insights, and leverage that data to not only help solve workplace issues, but to create a positive and open work culture.

Why does it matter? One word: Retention 

Why does gathering employee feedback management matter? Asking employees for their input builds trust between employer and employee, if they know they’re being listened to. Being open to accepting and acting on feedback helps increase employee engagement, loyalty, and can decrease turnover. It can also create a culture of encouraging new ideas and employee-led engagement. Having a workplace that is receptive to feedback can also be a recruiting tool. Finally, it’s a way to catch and address issues before they get played out in the news cycle.

Why Your Company Needs an Employee Feedback Management Platform 

TL;DR: Are the tools and resources you have in place really working? Organizations can improve their initiatives with an employee feedback management platform, which can track insights and analytics, give centralized visualization, show actions taken and tracking, and record progress and benchmarking. Knowing there's a system also lets employees feel valued and engaged.

“Why go through the trouble of implementing an employee feedback management system? Isn’t my organization’s system already working? We get plenty of feedback already.”

But is your system of gathering and acting on employee feedback working? Are your employees really surfacing all of their concerns and issues to you? Or do you just think your current actions are working, when in reality they’re not?

In our “State of Employee Feedback 2021” report, we found that 36% of employees don’t have a feedback program at their workplace, or they aren’t aware of one that exists. Additionally, 37% of employees report that their workplace doesn’t have an open-door policy, that they don’t know about one, or that their workplace does have an open door policy, but no one upholds it. We also found that only 63% of employees believe that their workplace wants them to raise issues or concerns.

Based on what we see above, something’s lacking. Employees aren’t being given the opportunity to speak freely about their concerns, and certain processes that are in place aren’t accounting for reporting hesitancy. There may also not be an efficient way to track and resolve employee feedback.

As with any other business initiative, any company would gather or track data, and leverage the insights they got from that data to make changes to their campaigns, initiatives, or programs. Why can’t it be the same way for employee feedback?

Why you need an employee feedback management platform

Having a platform through which to track employee feedback can provide a number of benefits for both the organization and employees, including:

Insights and Analytics: An employee feedback management platform can collect employee feedback, issues, concerns, as well as actions taken and resolutions, into one place. This allows you to gain insights from the data, and leverage analytics to help inform future actions to improve employee feedback.

Centralized Visualization: Keeping track of employee reports and concerns is not only key to surfacing issues at your company and keeping a record of reports, but having insights centralized allows for better visualization of what’s going on in the workplace. It’s not only an at-a-glance look into your feedback status, but can also surface patterns you can address immediately.

Action and Tracking: One of the biggest reasons why employees don’t share feedback is because they don’t believe anything will be done about it. Only 38% of employees believe that if they give feedback, change will happen and the issue will be resolved. An employee feedback management platform allows an organization to track not just reports but follow-ups as well, and can put percentages to actions taken.

Progress and Benchmarking: Organizations committed to hearing more from their employees can track how proactive they’re being on addressing reports and concerns that are raised. Having a centralized management platform allows for benchmarking and putting data behind reports and actions taken so that organizations can see the progress they’re making on addressing issues.

Valued and Engaged: Simply knowing that there’s a platform that’s tracking employee feedback and responses to it can increase employee trust and make them feel like their concerns are valued. We found that 44% of employees say that even the act of asking for feedback makes them feel heard.

Key Features in an Employee Feedback Management Platform 

TL;DR: If you want to adopt an employee feedback management platform to help with your tracking and resolution initiatives, look for the following features: centralized case management, dashboards and data visualization, user-friendly and intuitive interface, ability to be anonymous with encrypted feedback, ability to disperse pulse surveys, and for it to be SOX and SOC2 compliant.

Tracking employee feedback is only as good as the technology you use — and we have the ability today to use digital tools to not only solicit employee feedback through anonymous channels, but we can use platforms to help us track feedback, organize it, and take action on it.

Here are some key features to look for in an employee feedback management platform to ensure you’re maximizing your technology as you cultivate your feedback program.

Case management: Have your employee feedback management platform collect feedback into a centralized case manager so that it’s not only easier to manage reports, but easier to see the state of your feedback program in one place. According to AllVoices research, 42% of HR leaders said that managing employee feedback is the top challenge for their department and the majority of them are using Word docs or Google Sheets to track reports. Implementing technologies that help centralize allows for much more streamlined case management, as cases can be tracked and assigned, tasks can be delegated to different administrators, and reporting patterns can be tracked over time, in one convenient place.

Dashboards and data visualization: A centralized dashboard can help you see what’s being reported from which departments, how many cases are outstanding, and where you currently stand on the feedback pipeline. Additionally, providing data visualization can help surface patterns in the data, and inform areas of improvement or attention.

User-friendly and intuitive: With any technology, the less barriers to usage, the better — especially when it comes to encouraging employees to submit feedback. In fact, in our “State of Workplace Wrongdoing 2021” report, one of the top things employees thought could encourage more reporting is a user-friendly reporting platform.

Anonymous and encrypted feedback: Commit to allowing employees to submit their feedback anonymously, where their identity is unknown to their employer (as opposed to confidential feedback, where their identity is known but supposedly kept hidden). We know that employees are much more inclined to report when offered anonymous channels through which to do so, and in our various reports we found that upwards of 74% of employees would be more willing to give feedback if it’s truly anonymous. This number jumps to 85% when asked if they’d be more likely to report sensitive wrongdoing, such as harassment. Ensure anonymity by having the data encrypted, and access limited as well.

Pulse surveys: Another great feature is the ability to issue pulse surveys from the platform to check up on employee engagement, morale, and more. These pulse surveys can collect data and load them into the platform for more insights that can help inform your employee feedback program efforts.

SOX and SOC2 compliant: Every company must be compliant to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) provision that requires having a way for employees to report concerns, also known as a whistleblower hotline. SOX compliant doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a phone number, but a method through which employees can report concerns, which can include digital and online channels. Additionally, companies seeking SOC2 compliance must also have a method through which employees can report feedback, which can also be a traditional phone hotline, or a digital platform.

Benefits and Challenges of Proper Employee Feedback Management 

TL;DR: Some of the benefits of implementing a robust employee feedback management approach include increased employee trust and engagement, a decrease in turnover, creating a “best place to work,” addressing poor work cultures/systemic issues, creating data to track, staying away from negative media attention, and avoiding lawsuits and reputation damage. Some of the challenges, though, include committing to changing the culture and successful adoption.

There are a number of benefits to implementing a robust employee feedback management approach, but there are also challenges as well that leadership needs to be aware of in order to make their feedback program truly successful. Here are some of the positives, and some ways to overcome the negatives.


Increase employee trust: Employees inherently need to trust their employer. They trust that they’ll be in a safe physical environment, and that they’ll feel safe psychologically. There’s also an inherent trust that any issues or concerns about their safety brought to managers or HR will be taken care of. Having an employee feedback program provides an opportunity for increasing trust on both sides.

Increase employee engagement: Engagement is what gets employees out of bed in the morning and eager to come to work. Employees want to feel like they’re contributing to their workplace, and contributing to its culture and its future. However, a lack of engagement can lead to poor morale, decreased productivity, and turnover — and disengaged employees cost organizations between $450-550 billion every year in lost productivity. Gallup also reports that 51% of employees don’t feel engaged at work, and don’t feel like they’re contributing meaningfully to their workplace or their career.  Any initiative that can encourage employee retention and make them feel more engaged and connected could vastly improve the workplace.

Decrease turnover: Increased engagement inherently means that employees want to stay where they are and contribute to their company. This means that feedback programs can decrease turnover, which can be expensive and time-consuming. SHRM reports that replacing an employee could cost upwards of six to nine months of that employee’s salary, considering the expenses around recruiting, hiring, training, and having personnel take time to find a replacement. Additionally, having a culture of open and honest employee feedback can be a recruiting tool, and a draw to eager talent.

Create a “best place to work”: Organizations always want to be named a “Best Place to Work,” but creating that kind of environment takes effort and commitment — one of which is having a robust and often-used employee feedback program. Because employees will feel valued when they give feedback, will feel safe when they see issues in their workplace taken care of, and will feel like they’re contributing and engaged, employee feedback programs can help build that “Best Place to Work.”

Address poor work cultures/systemic issues: Additionally, once implemented, employee feedback programs will allow organizations to address poor work cultures — maybe a poor culture that leadership wasn’t aware they had. By encouraging issues to rise to the surface, organizations can also begin to address systemic issues like sexual harassment, racism, and bias that past employees may have never felt comfortable enough to speak out about.

Create data to track: Having an employee feedback management platform also means that your organization is collecting data on the issues and concerns raised, how many pieces of feedback are being submitted, how many are being resolved, and more. Not only does this allow each issue to be documented and tracked, it allows organizations to put hard numbers behind their efforts — or see where they really stand if they’ve been assuming that everything’s been fine over the years. Data allows for benchmarking as well, so as organizations implement and cultivate their employee feedback programs, they can see how they’re improving, or make changes if they’re not.

Stay away from negative media attention: We’re at a point in history when employees who don’t feel that they’re being heard at work can broadcast their concerns on social media, another channel that bypasses the traditional ones at work. We’ve seen examples of this more and more recently, as employees who were ignored or squelched at work took to social media to get something done.

Avoid lawsuits and reputation damage: Finally, listening to employees and taking action on their concerns can stop issues before they evolve into full-blown cases of harassment, discrimination, or bias. These can result in expensive lawsuits, considering that in 2019, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that organizations paid out $68.2 million sex-based harassment allegations alone. It can also lead to reputational damage from which an organization may not be able to recover.

Challenges (and how to overcome them)

Committing to changing the culture: There are incredible benefits to implementing an employee feedback program, but one of the biggest challenges will be committing to changing the culture of a workplace. Creating a culture of feedback isn’t just about launching a platform and moving on, but involves employee education, conversations, encouragement, and follow-through.

Successful adoption: The other side of the challenge to implementation is the challenge to adoption. Employee feedback is essentially a cycle: Employees give feedback if they feel confident they’ll be taken seriously, and if they know an organization will act on that feedback. But an organization can only act on feedback that employees feel comfortable giving. An organization may roll out an employee feedback program and its requisite implementational measures, but employees have to buy into it, feel it’s worth it, and grow to trust it. If they don’t, then leadership needs to change its approach.

How to Measure the Success of Employee Feedback Management 

TL;DR: An organization won't know if its employee feedback management approach is successful or not without tracking key metrics to know what's working and what isn’t. Organizations can determine if there's been an increase in engagement, happiness, feelings of safety, and other metrics by tracking number of submissions, number of closed cases, channel usage, and more.

The saying goes that “you can’t manage what you don’t measure,” and that should be the same mindset an organization should have when it comes to employee feedback. Implementing feedback tools is only the start of a journey of analyzing and iterating. Once you track that feedback, and use your tools to begin making changes, how will you know you’re successful and met your goals? There are a few different ways to find out.

Goal: Increase feelings of safety

What to measure: Number of people submitting, employee happiness

Why?: Every organization wants a safe and secure workplace, and one way to create that is by listening to employees voice their concerns and fears about ways they don’t feel safe at work. By addressing the issues that employees raise, they should feel safer — but how do you measure that? Look to see if the number of people submitting feedback has increased. This means that they feel safer in their environment to be able to speak up about the things that concern them. Increased safety also means increased employee happiness and satisfaction.

Goal: Increase engagement

What to measure: Number of feedback submissions (both negative and positive)

Why?: Employees always want to feel engaged in their workplaces. It means that they enjoy the work they do, feel like they can contribute, and feel part of the mission and vision of their workplace. One of the things having an employee feedback program in place can do is increase engagement. When employees submit feedback — and their feedback is heard and acted upon — then they feel like they’re contributing to their work environment. Measure increased engagement by looking at the number of feedback reports submitted, with both negative and positive feedback. It means that employees are giving feedback because they want to contribute to the workplace.

Goal: Increase organizational action

What to measure: Number of opened and closed cases, number of company changes based on feedback

Why?: One of the reasons why employees don’t give feedback is because they’re afraid nothing will be done about it — and unfortunately, that’s often the case. Organizations need to take action on concerns and suggestions submitted by employees not only to stamp out growing issues in the workplace, but to assure employees that they’re taking the actions needed to protect them. An easy way to measure organizational action is to look at the number of opened and closed cases. Is every case getting closed? Or are too many remaining open? Another way is to look at the number of company changes made based on employee feedback. Many changes mean that an organization is listening and taking action; few or none means that they’re not.

Goal: Increase/sustain feedback usage

What to measure: Usage year-over-year, employee awareness of how to submit feedback

Why?: You never want a newly-implemented initiative to be popular at roll-out, and fizzle away a few weeks later. If an organization wants to normalize employee feedback and make it a part of the culture, they need to have a plan for ongoing education around the topic, ongoing conversation around what employee feedback is and why issues in the workplace should be reported, and ongoing encouragement for reporting. With those measures in place, then an organization should see ongoing year-over-year sustained usage, as well as employee awareness around how to submit feedback. If both of those measures come up lacking, then an organization needs to look at how it dropped its efforts around implementation.

Goal: Increase/sustain positive workplace culture

What to measure: Pulse surveys to measure happiness, employees feeling safe

Why?: Actively encouraging, receiving, and acting upon feedback from employees can help create a positive work culture, not only in the fact that employees feel engaged and heard from, but that issues that had dampened positivity are resolved. Continuing that positive culture involves education, normalizing the conversation around employee feedback, and building employee trust. How do you measure that lasting success? Monitoring employee engagement and safety can inform your efforts, as well as occasional pulse surveys to measure employee happiness.

Goal: Increase retention

What to measure: Employee changes

Why?: Having an employee feedback program can help increase employee engagement and happiness, and contribute to a more positive culture in the workplace. When employees feel like they’re being heard and appreciated, they want to stick around, keeping employee retention high and turnover — and its associated costs — low. How can you measure the effects of your feedback program on retention? Simply look at employee changes, and if retention has increased after implementation.

Goal: Employee hiring

What to measure: Number of hires who cite feedback program

Why?: More than ever, individuals are looking for workplaces where they can engage, contribute their skills and talents, and help further a mission they believe in. Having an employee feedback program can be a recruiting tool, as it demonstrates that an organization is committed to hearing from its employees, and is most likely focused on creating a positive, thriving work environment. Finding out from new hires how much of an impact the employee feedback program played in their decision to apply to your company can help you understand its effect.

Goal: Increase efficacy of feedback

What to measure: Streamlining of feedback tools, feedback managed to completion

Why?: An employee feedback program is only successful if acted upon, and the intention of having an employee feedback management platform is to create more efficiency in the process of collecting feedback and resolving it. One of the ways to manage that efficiency is to track how feedback is being resolved, and how many reports are being brought to completion. Another indicator of efficiency is seeing how many different tools are combined in the employee feedback management platform, increasing efficiency and decreasing redundancies.

How Proper Employee Feedback Management Impacts the Bottom Line of a Company

TL;DR: Being able to surface and address issues that arise in the workplace not only keeps the work environment healthy. It also impacts the bottom line, too, by increasing employee retention, increasing productivity and revenue, and increasing customer buy-in.

Having an employee feedback management approach in place has a number of benefits, including building trust between an organization and its employees, creating an engaging and enjoyable work culture, and keeping out of the media spotlight, as we detailed above. It can also impact the bottom line of your company, too.

Increased retention: We’ve seen how gathering feedback from employees and working to resolve that feedback can increase engagement, as employees feel more connected to their workplace, more committed to their roles and assignments, and more a part of the culture. Having happy employees means that they want to stay around, and low turnover can save an organization money, considering that replacing that employee could cost six to nine months’ worth of their salary in rehiring expenses.

Increased productivity and revenue: Organizations who proactively act on feedback to resolve issues and concerns are creating a workplace where employees feel safe to go to work, knowing they won’t need to worry about unsafe physical conditions, harassment, or bias. This type of psychologically safe environment allows employees to do their best work. “If leaders want to unleash individual and collective talent, they must foster a psychologically safe climate where employees feel free to contribute ideas, share information, and report mistakes,” according to Amy Edmundson of Harvard Business School. Employees doing their best work can increase productivity and efficiency, which always leads to increased revenue.

Increased customer buy-in: Organizations working to improve their internal culture get noticed, and while those organizations whose missteps make the news lose customers and brand equity, those who are working to change their culture and practices can attract customers. Employee feedback programs can actually increase brand loyalty and increase sales. According to a 2019 report, 46% of customers consider a company’s “social responsibility efforts” when they consider buying from them.

How to Implement an Employee Feedback Management Program

TL;DR: An employee feedback management program can be implemented by following these steps: take an honest look at your workplace culture, make a list of goals for your feedback program, have the right people lead it, commit to anonymous feedback channels, find the right tools to implement, increase education and awareness across the workforce, and use analytics to improve your program.

Implementing an employee feedback management program, and changing the culture of feedback in your organization, takes time and effort. But with some planning and deliberate commitment to the process, you can make the changes needed in your workplace.

Look at the culture: Implementing an employee feedback management program starts with taking an honest look at the culture of your organization. Realize as well that due to employee hesitation to share feedback, you may have a blind spot to the frequency and types of feedback you desire. Additionally, 37% of companies are sending a message that they don’t want their employees to report issues or concerns — whether they’re aware they send that message or not. Don’t wait until an issue surfaces in the media before taking measures.

List of goals: Identify which goals you want to accomplish with the implementation of an employee feedback management program. One of your top goals should be to want to surface issues in the workplace. Identify other goals as well: Are you starting from scratch and simply want to create a feedback program? Have you been working on collecting feedback, but need a platform through which to collect it? Do you want to prioritize anonymous feedback collection? A list of goals will also help you find the right tools to put in place.

Have the right people lead: Too often, employee feedback implementation and collection is left to the HR department. But as we know from Uber, Google, and others, a lack of employee feedback strategy, or not using anonymous tools, or not taking action on employee issues can affect entire companies, up to the CEO. So if an organization wants to implement an employee feedback management program, the messaging and initiative needs to come from the top. Harvard Business Review even argues that it is crucial to engage executives and the board in addressing harassment and other issues in the workplace.

Commit to anonymous feedback: Surveys and studies show that employees are hesitant to report for a number of reasons, including fear of retaliation and fear of not being believed. Employees are more willing to give feedback if the method through which they can is truly anonymous. However, many organizations are resistant to anonymous feedback, saying that employees should “just speak up” if they have concerns. That approach doesn’t take into account where employees are and the risks they’re taking by speaking up, which is why in order to implement an employee feedback management program, leadership must commit to rolling out truly anonymous tools.

Find the right tools to implement: With goals in mind, and a commitment to truly anonymous feedback, an organization now needs to find the right tools to adopt. This platform should be able to collect feedback anonymously, and centralize that feedback so that it’s easily manageable and actionable. It should also be able to provide easy case management so that administrators can assign concerns, and easily track completion. The platform should also be able to provide analytics and visualization that will allow you to draw insights and connections from the data gathered.

Education and awareness: Leadership can’t simply roll out an employee feedback management initiative by sending an email or having a meeting to talk about it, and then never speak about it again. Implementing a new approach to feedback in the workplace takes leadership and a top-down drive. It also takes building trust around the new platform, encouraging buy-in and use through normalizing the conversation around feedback, and showing that feedback is wanted and will be acted upon.

Analytics and tweaking: Finally, continue to monitor how your employee feedback program is doing by monitoring metrics like employee engagement, retention, and happiness. But also use the tools in the employee feedback management platform to analyze data to put numbers and percentages to inform the changes you’re making.

Best Practices for a Successful Feedback Program

TL;DR: What are some best practices you can adopt for a successful feedback program? Listen to your employees, lead the conversation around the importance of feedback, normalize giving feedback, act on submitted reports, and continue to iterate on the program.

Here are some best practices to help implement an employee feedback program, and how to keep it going.

Listen: The foundation to improving your workplace is committing to listening to your employees, and wanting to know the issues and concerns they face on a daily basis. In our research, we found that 41% of employees have left a workplace because they didn’t feel listened to. Additionally, 37% have left a job because they felt feedback wasn’t being taken seriously — yet you have the chance to change that.

Lead: The conversations and actions around implementing and sustaining an employee feedback program need to come from the top. Feedback is important for the entire organization, and if issues or concerns are ignored, they will affect the entire organization as well. Leadership can’t necessarily pass this off to HR, or assign it as a task to lower managers. Evolving a workplace culture needs to come from the top.

Normalize: Organizations need to normalize the conversation around the benefits of employee feedback, and not only encourage employees to give feedback, but provide tools and channels for them to do so in ways that make them the most comfortable. Creating a culture of feedback can take time, but as employees find they now have the tools to do so, and as organizations commit to acting on feedback, the culture of feedback will grow.

Act: Feedback programs are useless if the organization doesn’t act on any issues or concerns that are raised. In fact, only 38% of employees believe that organizations will take action on the feedback they share. Considering that employees who have given feedback report that 19% of their feedback is being ignored, and only 33% was partially resolved means that workplaces have much to prove to gain back employee trust. Organizations need to commit to following up and acting on the feedback that’s submitted, and need to have tools available to them, like an employee feedback management platform, that help them track and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Iterate: In order for an employee feedback program to be successful, organizations need to track not just the feedback they receive, but the frequency of feedback submissions, how many are resolved and how quickly, if any patterns are emerging, and more. Use the tools available to benchmark your progress on implementing an employee feedback program, and make changes as necessarily.

Employee Feedback Management Today and Tomorrow

We’ve learned in the wake of the #MeToo movement and the Black Lives Matter movement that organizations are being held to higher standards. But organizations shouldn’t just be held to higher standards by the media and by society — they should hold themselves to higher standards first.

The first step to creating an engaging, safe, and thriving work environment begins with listening to employees, and to give them ways through which they can share their feedback. Because if employees don’t have those ways, and believe that their workplace doesn’t actively care about their employees, they’ll share their feedback elsewhere — at which point it’s too late.

Click here to learn about how AllVoices can help you with your employee feedback management.


The Essential Guide to Employee Feedback Management

AllVoices Team
AllVoices Team
October 26, 2021
20 Min Read
The Essential Guide to Employee Feedback Management

The power between employees and employers has been shifting.

We’ve seen it play out in the news over and over again in the past few years, starting with Susan Fowler’s blog post about the issues she raised at Uber, and the retaliation she experienced for reporting them. Issues at Google concerning discrimination and retaliation have been surfacing for a few years now. Recently, Apple employees who have experienced harassment, racism, and other mistreatment started a website to share their stores after their internal efforts met a dead end. Add to that discrimination and harassment cases at Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Pinterest, Warner Bros

What we’re seeing is the ability for employees who have felt like they haven’t had a voice in their workplace, or the ability to speak up about the issues and concerns they see around them, bypass an unaware, indifferent, or deliberately hostile workplace to share that feedback with the world.

And the world is listening.

What these vocalized concerns playing out in the media really shows us is that many organizations lack the internal programs and initiatives to allow employees to voice their feedback, and to address those issues when they’re reported. What it also shows is that it’s time for organizations to implement employee feedback management platforms, and to change their culture as they know it.

This “Essential Guide to Employee Feedback Management” will address what an organization looking to implement or expand its employee feedback program needs to know, including:

  • What is Employee Feedback Management (and Why Does It Matter)?
  • The History of Employee Feedback Management
  • Why Your Company Needs an Employee Feedback Management Platform
  • Key Features in an Employee Feedback Management Platform
  • Benefits and Challenges of Proper Employee Feedback Management
  • How to Measure the Success of Employee Feedback Management
  • How Proper Employee Feedback Management Impacts the Bottom Line of a Company
  • How to Implement an Employee Feedback Management Program
  • Best Practices for a Successful Feedback Program
  • Employee Feedback Management Today and Tomorrow

In order to save revenue, reputation, and — above all — valued employees, now is the time for organizations to commit to truly listening from their workforce, and making the changes needed.

What is Employee Feedback Management (and Why Does It Matter)?

TL;DR: Employee feedback surfaces issues in the workplace, which can improve employee morale, retention, and feelings of safety. But oftentimes, there are barriers to giving that feedback, like fear of retaliation, or fear of not being believed. A good system of employee feedback management will help organizations ensure they're not only getting honest feedback, but that they’re resolving the issues that arise.

Companies can’t have a one-sided relationship with their employees if they want their organizations to be successful. The only way to create a thriving, engaging work culture is to hear from their employees about what’s going well and what’s not — and then taking action to fix it.

But too often organizations are complacent in their feedback programs, don’t take action when issues arise, or aren’t providing the right channels through which employees can honestly report their feedback, without fear of retaliation.

The need for employee feedback

When we talk about employee feedback, we’re not talking about yearly performance reviews, where managers applaud their employees for what they’re doing right, and tell them to take action on what they could be doing better. We’re essentially referring to the opposite relationship: Employees being able to share their feedback about their workplace with their managers, directors, or HR departments. This could include voicing concerns about stress or workload, giving suggestions on ways to improve morale or engagement, or reporting issues like discrimination or sexual harassment.

Barriers to employee feedback

Unfortunately, the assumption that if you simply ask for feedback and create a way to submit feedback, employees will be more than eager to give that feedback is false. 

Even if channels are available, there’s a distinct hesitancy among many employees to report their feedback. Most of that hesitancy, as we’ve found in our multiple reports, comes from either fear of retaliation — that if they give feedback on more serious issues around the office they’ll be punished for it — or they don’t report because they believe nothing will be done about it.

In our “State of Workplace Wrongdoing 2021” report, we found that 31% didn’t report because they believed no action would be taken anyway, and 28% didn’t report because they feared retaliation in the form of a demotion, job loss, gossip, or shaming.

The question for organizations then becomes, “How do I ensure I’m receiving open and honest feedback, and put in place measures to assure employees that something will be done about it and that they won’t face retaliation?” 

What is employee feedback management?

Organizations should want to hear employee concerns not just to be aware of what’s going on in their work environment, but to take action before the issue affects morale and engagement, and leads to an uncomfortable or even toxic work environment. This is why an organization needs to not just have an employee feedback program, but a way to manage that program.

Employee feedback management allows organizations to cultivate the employee feedback they need to know, and track real-time data on their employees’ questions, concerns, and feedback. Gathering employee feedback in a centralized collection also allows organizations to analyze that data for insights, and leverage that data to not only help solve workplace issues, but to create a positive and open work culture.

Why does it matter? One word: Retention 

Why does gathering employee feedback management matter? Asking employees for their input builds trust between employer and employee, if they know they’re being listened to. Being open to accepting and acting on feedback helps increase employee engagement, loyalty, and can decrease turnover. It can also create a culture of encouraging new ideas and employee-led engagement. Having a workplace that is receptive to feedback can also be a recruiting tool. Finally, it’s a way to catch and address issues before they get played out in the news cycle.

Why Your Company Needs an Employee Feedback Management Platform 

TL;DR: Are the tools and resources you have in place really working? Organizations can improve their initiatives with an employee feedback management platform, which can track insights and analytics, give centralized visualization, show actions taken and tracking, and record progress and benchmarking. Knowing there's a system also lets employees feel valued and engaged.

“Why go through the trouble of implementing an employee feedback management system? Isn’t my organization’s system already working? We get plenty of feedback already.”

But is your system of gathering and acting on employee feedback working? Are your employees really surfacing all of their concerns and issues to you? Or do you just think your current actions are working, when in reality they’re not?

In our “State of Employee Feedback 2021” report, we found that 36% of employees don’t have a feedback program at their workplace, or they aren’t aware of one that exists. Additionally, 37% of employees report that their workplace doesn’t have an open-door policy, that they don’t know about one, or that their workplace does have an open door policy, but no one upholds it. We also found that only 63% of employees believe that their workplace wants them to raise issues or concerns.

Based on what we see above, something’s lacking. Employees aren’t being given the opportunity to speak freely about their concerns, and certain processes that are in place aren’t accounting for reporting hesitancy. There may also not be an efficient way to track and resolve employee feedback.

As with any other business initiative, any company would gather or track data, and leverage the insights they got from that data to make changes to their campaigns, initiatives, or programs. Why can’t it be the same way for employee feedback?

Why you need an employee feedback management platform

Having a platform through which to track employee feedback can provide a number of benefits for both the organization and employees, including:

Insights and Analytics: An employee feedback management platform can collect employee feedback, issues, concerns, as well as actions taken and resolutions, into one place. This allows you to gain insights from the data, and leverage analytics to help inform future actions to improve employee feedback.

Centralized Visualization: Keeping track of employee reports and concerns is not only key to surfacing issues at your company and keeping a record of reports, but having insights centralized allows for better visualization of what’s going on in the workplace. It’s not only an at-a-glance look into your feedback status, but can also surface patterns you can address immediately.

Action and Tracking: One of the biggest reasons why employees don’t share feedback is because they don’t believe anything will be done about it. Only 38% of employees believe that if they give feedback, change will happen and the issue will be resolved. An employee feedback management platform allows an organization to track not just reports but follow-ups as well, and can put percentages to actions taken.

Progress and Benchmarking: Organizations committed to hearing more from their employees can track how proactive they’re being on addressing reports and concerns that are raised. Having a centralized management platform allows for benchmarking and putting data behind reports and actions taken so that organizations can see the progress they’re making on addressing issues.

Valued and Engaged: Simply knowing that there’s a platform that’s tracking employee feedback and responses to it can increase employee trust and make them feel like their concerns are valued. We found that 44% of employees say that even the act of asking for feedback makes them feel heard.

Key Features in an Employee Feedback Management Platform 

TL;DR: If you want to adopt an employee feedback management platform to help with your tracking and resolution initiatives, look for the following features: centralized case management, dashboards and data visualization, user-friendly and intuitive interface, ability to be anonymous with encrypted feedback, ability to disperse pulse surveys, and for it to be SOX and SOC2 compliant.

Tracking employee feedback is only as good as the technology you use — and we have the ability today to use digital tools to not only solicit employee feedback through anonymous channels, but we can use platforms to help us track feedback, organize it, and take action on it.

Here are some key features to look for in an employee feedback management platform to ensure you’re maximizing your technology as you cultivate your feedback program.

Case management: Have your employee feedback management platform collect feedback into a centralized case manager so that it’s not only easier to manage reports, but easier to see the state of your feedback program in one place. According to AllVoices research, 42% of HR leaders said that managing employee feedback is the top challenge for their department and the majority of them are using Word docs or Google Sheets to track reports. Implementing technologies that help centralize allows for much more streamlined case management, as cases can be tracked and assigned, tasks can be delegated to different administrators, and reporting patterns can be tracked over time, in one convenient place.

Dashboards and data visualization: A centralized dashboard can help you see what’s being reported from which departments, how many cases are outstanding, and where you currently stand on the feedback pipeline. Additionally, providing data visualization can help surface patterns in the data, and inform areas of improvement or attention.

User-friendly and intuitive: With any technology, the less barriers to usage, the better — especially when it comes to encouraging employees to submit feedback. In fact, in our “State of Workplace Wrongdoing 2021” report, one of the top things employees thought could encourage more reporting is a user-friendly reporting platform.

Anonymous and encrypted feedback: Commit to allowing employees to submit their feedback anonymously, where their identity is unknown to their employer (as opposed to confidential feedback, where their identity is known but supposedly kept hidden). We know that employees are much more inclined to report when offered anonymous channels through which to do so, and in our various reports we found that upwards of 74% of employees would be more willing to give feedback if it’s truly anonymous. This number jumps to 85% when asked if they’d be more likely to report sensitive wrongdoing, such as harassment. Ensure anonymity by having the data encrypted, and access limited as well.

Pulse surveys: Another great feature is the ability to issue pulse surveys from the platform to check up on employee engagement, morale, and more. These pulse surveys can collect data and load them into the platform for more insights that can help inform your employee feedback program efforts.

SOX and SOC2 compliant: Every company must be compliant to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) provision that requires having a way for employees to report concerns, also known as a whistleblower hotline. SOX compliant doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a phone number, but a method through which employees can report concerns, which can include digital and online channels. Additionally, companies seeking SOC2 compliance must also have a method through which employees can report feedback, which can also be a traditional phone hotline, or a digital platform.

Benefits and Challenges of Proper Employee Feedback Management 

TL;DR: Some of the benefits of implementing a robust employee feedback management approach include increased employee trust and engagement, a decrease in turnover, creating a “best place to work,” addressing poor work cultures/systemic issues, creating data to track, staying away from negative media attention, and avoiding lawsuits and reputation damage. Some of the challenges, though, include committing to changing the culture and successful adoption.

There are a number of benefits to implementing a robust employee feedback management approach, but there are also challenges as well that leadership needs to be aware of in order to make their feedback program truly successful. Here are some of the positives, and some ways to overcome the negatives.


Increase employee trust: Employees inherently need to trust their employer. They trust that they’ll be in a safe physical environment, and that they’ll feel safe psychologically. There’s also an inherent trust that any issues or concerns about their safety brought to managers or HR will be taken care of. Having an employee feedback program provides an opportunity for increasing trust on both sides.

Increase employee engagement: Engagement is what gets employees out of bed in the morning and eager to come to work. Employees want to feel like they’re contributing to their workplace, and contributing to its culture and its future. However, a lack of engagement can lead to poor morale, decreased productivity, and turnover — and disengaged employees cost organizations between $450-550 billion every year in lost productivity. Gallup also reports that 51% of employees don’t feel engaged at work, and don’t feel like they’re contributing meaningfully to their workplace or their career.  Any initiative that can encourage employee retention and make them feel more engaged and connected could vastly improve the workplace.

Decrease turnover: Increased engagement inherently means that employees want to stay where they are and contribute to their company. This means that feedback programs can decrease turnover, which can be expensive and time-consuming. SHRM reports that replacing an employee could cost upwards of six to nine months of that employee’s salary, considering the expenses around recruiting, hiring, training, and having personnel take time to find a replacement. Additionally, having a culture of open and honest employee feedback can be a recruiting tool, and a draw to eager talent.

Create a “best place to work”: Organizations always want to be named a “Best Place to Work,” but creating that kind of environment takes effort and commitment — one of which is having a robust and often-used employee feedback program. Because employees will feel valued when they give feedback, will feel safe when they see issues in their workplace taken care of, and will feel like they’re contributing and engaged, employee feedback programs can help build that “Best Place to Work.”

Address poor work cultures/systemic issues: Additionally, once implemented, employee feedback programs will allow organizations to address poor work cultures — maybe a poor culture that leadership wasn’t aware they had. By encouraging issues to rise to the surface, organizations can also begin to address systemic issues like sexual harassment, racism, and bias that past employees may have never felt comfortable enough to speak out about.

Create data to track: Having an employee feedback management platform also means that your organization is collecting data on the issues and concerns raised, how many pieces of feedback are being submitted, how many are being resolved, and more. Not only does this allow each issue to be documented and tracked, it allows organizations to put hard numbers behind their efforts — or see where they really stand if they’ve been assuming that everything’s been fine over the years. Data allows for benchmarking as well, so as organizations implement and cultivate their employee feedback programs, they can see how they’re improving, or make changes if they’re not.

Stay away from negative media attention: We’re at a point in history when employees who don’t feel that they’re being heard at work can broadcast their concerns on social media, another channel that bypasses the traditional ones at work. We’ve seen examples of this more and more recently, as employees who were ignored or squelched at work took to social media to get something done.

Avoid lawsuits and reputation damage: Finally, listening to employees and taking action on their concerns can stop issues before they evolve into full-blown cases of harassment, discrimination, or bias. These can result in expensive lawsuits, considering that in 2019, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that organizations paid out $68.2 million sex-based harassment allegations alone. It can also lead to reputational damage from which an organization may not be able to recover.

Challenges (and how to overcome them)

Committing to changing the culture: There are incredible benefits to implementing an employee feedback program, but one of the biggest challenges will be committing to changing the culture of a workplace. Creating a culture of feedback isn’t just about launching a platform and moving on, but involves employee education, conversations, encouragement, and follow-through.

Successful adoption: The other side of the challenge to implementation is the challenge to adoption. Employee feedback is essentially a cycle: Employees give feedback if they feel confident they’ll be taken seriously, and if they know an organization will act on that feedback. But an organization can only act on feedback that employees feel comfortable giving. An organization may roll out an employee feedback program and its requisite implementational measures, but employees have to buy into it, feel it’s worth it, and grow to trust it. If they don’t, then leadership needs to change its approach.

How to Measure the Success of Employee Feedback Management 

TL;DR: An organization won't know if its employee feedback management approach is successful or not without tracking key metrics to know what's working and what isn’t. Organizations can determine if there's been an increase in engagement, happiness, feelings of safety, and other metrics by tracking number of submissions, number of closed cases, channel usage, and more.

The saying goes that “you can’t manage what you don’t measure,” and that should be the same mindset an organization should have when it comes to employee feedback. Implementing feedback tools is only the start of a journey of analyzing and iterating. Once you track that feedback, and use your tools to begin making changes, how will you know you’re successful and met your goals? There are a few different ways to find out.

Goal: Increase feelings of safety

What to measure: Number of people submitting, employee happiness

Why?: Every organization wants a safe and secure workplace, and one way to create that is by listening to employees voice their concerns and fears about ways they don’t feel safe at work. By addressing the issues that employees raise, they should feel safer — but how do you measure that? Look to see if the number of people submitting feedback has increased. This means that they feel safer in their environment to be able to speak up about the things that concern them. Increased safety also means increased employee happiness and satisfaction.

Goal: Increase engagement

What to measure: Number of feedback submissions (both negative and positive)

Why?: Employees always want to feel engaged in their workplaces. It means that they enjoy the work they do, feel like they can contribute, and feel part of the mission and vision of their workplace. One of the things having an employee feedback program in place can do is increase engagement. When employees submit feedback — and their feedback is heard and acted upon — then they feel like they’re contributing to their work environment. Measure increased engagement by looking at the number of feedback reports submitted, with both negative and positive feedback. It means that employees are giving feedback because they want to contribute to the workplace.

Goal: Increase organizational action

What to measure: Number of opened and closed cases, number of company changes based on feedback

Why?: One of the reasons why employees don’t give feedback is because they’re afraid nothing will be done about it — and unfortunately, that’s often the case. Organizations need to take action on concerns and suggestions submitted by employees not only to stamp out growing issues in the workplace, but to assure employees that they’re taking the actions needed to protect them. An easy way to measure organizational action is to look at the number of opened and closed cases. Is every case getting closed? Or are too many remaining open? Another way is to look at the number of company changes made based on employee feedback. Many changes mean that an organization is listening and taking action; few or none means that they’re not.

Goal: Increase/sustain feedback usage

What to measure: Usage year-over-year, employee awareness of how to submit feedback

Why?: You never want a newly-implemented initiative to be popular at roll-out, and fizzle away a few weeks later. If an organization wants to normalize employee feedback and make it a part of the culture, they need to have a plan for ongoing education around the topic, ongoing conversation around what employee feedback is and why issues in the workplace should be reported, and ongoing encouragement for reporting. With those measures in place, then an organization should see ongoing year-over-year sustained usage, as well as employee awareness around how to submit feedback. If both of those measures come up lacking, then an organization needs to look at how it dropped its efforts around implementation.

Goal: Increase/sustain positive workplace culture

What to measure: Pulse surveys to measure happiness, employees feeling safe

Why?: Actively encouraging, receiving, and acting upon feedback from employees can help create a positive work culture, not only in the fact that employees feel engaged and heard from, but that issues that had dampened positivity are resolved. Continuing that positive culture involves education, normalizing the conversation around employee feedback, and building employee trust. How do you measure that lasting success? Monitoring employee engagement and safety can inform your efforts, as well as occasional pulse surveys to measure employee happiness.

Goal: Increase retention

What to measure: Employee changes

Why?: Having an employee feedback program can help increase employee engagement and happiness, and contribute to a more positive culture in the workplace. When employees feel like they’re being heard and appreciated, they want to stick around, keeping employee retention high and turnover — and its associated costs — low. How can you measure the effects of your feedback program on retention? Simply look at employee changes, and if retention has increased after implementation.

Goal: Employee hiring

What to measure: Number of hires who cite feedback program

Why?: More than ever, individuals are looking for workplaces where they can engage, contribute their skills and talents, and help further a mission they believe in. Having an employee feedback program can be a recruiting tool, as it demonstrates that an organization is committed to hearing from its employees, and is most likely focused on creating a positive, thriving work environment. Finding out from new hires how much of an impact the employee feedback program played in their decision to apply to your company can help you understand its effect.

Goal: Increase efficacy of feedback

What to measure: Streamlining of feedback tools, feedback managed to completion

Why?: An employee feedback program is only successful if acted upon, and the intention of having an employee feedback management platform is to create more efficiency in the process of collecting feedback and resolving it. One of the ways to manage that efficiency is to track how feedback is being resolved, and how many reports are being brought to completion. Another indicator of efficiency is seeing how many different tools are combined in the employee feedback management platform, increasing efficiency and decreasing redundancies.

How Proper Employee Feedback Management Impacts the Bottom Line of a Company

TL;DR: Being able to surface and address issues that arise in the workplace not only keeps the work environment healthy. It also impacts the bottom line, too, by increasing employee retention, increasing productivity and revenue, and increasing customer buy-in.

Having an employee feedback management approach in place has a number of benefits, including building trust between an organization and its employees, creating an engaging and enjoyable work culture, and keeping out of the media spotlight, as we detailed above. It can also impact the bottom line of your company, too.

Increased retention: We’ve seen how gathering feedback from employees and working to resolve that feedback can increase engagement, as employees feel more connected to their workplace, more committed to their roles and assignments, and more a part of the culture. Having happy employees means that they want to stay around, and low turnover can save an organization money, considering that replacing that employee could cost six to nine months’ worth of their salary in rehiring expenses.

Increased productivity and revenue: Organizations who proactively act on feedback to resolve issues and concerns are creating a workplace where employees feel safe to go to work, knowing they won’t need to worry about unsafe physical conditions, harassment, or bias. This type of psychologically safe environment allows employees to do their best work. “If leaders want to unleash individual and collective talent, they must foster a psychologically safe climate where employees feel free to contribute ideas, share information, and report mistakes,” according to Amy Edmundson of Harvard Business School. Employees doing their best work can increase productivity and efficiency, which always leads to increased revenue.

Increased customer buy-in: Organizations working to improve their internal culture get noticed, and while those organizations whose missteps make the news lose customers and brand equity, those who are working to change their culture and practices can attract customers. Employee feedback programs can actually increase brand loyalty and increase sales. According to a 2019 report, 46% of customers consider a company’s “social responsibility efforts” when they consider buying from them.

How to Implement an Employee Feedback Management Program

TL;DR: An employee feedback management program can be implemented by following these steps: take an honest look at your workplace culture, make a list of goals for your feedback program, have the right people lead it, commit to anonymous feedback channels, find the right tools to implement, increase education and awareness across the workforce, and use analytics to improve your program.

Implementing an employee feedback management program, and changing the culture of feedback in your organization, takes time and effort. But with some planning and deliberate commitment to the process, you can make the changes needed in your workplace.

Look at the culture: Implementing an employee feedback management program starts with taking an honest look at the culture of your organization. Realize as well that due to employee hesitation to share feedback, you may have a blind spot to the frequency and types of feedback you desire. Additionally, 37% of companies are sending a message that they don’t want their employees to report issues or concerns — whether they’re aware they send that message or not. Don’t wait until an issue surfaces in the media before taking measures.

List of goals: Identify which goals you want to accomplish with the implementation of an employee feedback management program. One of your top goals should be to want to surface issues in the workplace. Identify other goals as well: Are you starting from scratch and simply want to create a feedback program? Have you been working on collecting feedback, but need a platform through which to collect it? Do you want to prioritize anonymous feedback collection? A list of goals will also help you find the right tools to put in place.

Have the right people lead: Too often, employee feedback implementation and collection is left to the HR department. But as we know from Uber, Google, and others, a lack of employee feedback strategy, or not using anonymous tools, or not taking action on employee issues can affect entire companies, up to the CEO. So if an organization wants to implement an employee feedback management program, the messaging and initiative needs to come from the top. Harvard Business Review even argues that it is crucial to engage executives and the board in addressing harassment and other issues in the workplace.

Commit to anonymous feedback: Surveys and studies show that employees are hesitant to report for a number of reasons, including fear of retaliation and fear of not being believed. Employees are more willing to give feedback if the method through which they can is truly anonymous. However, many organizations are resistant to anonymous feedback, saying that employees should “just speak up” if they have concerns. That approach doesn’t take into account where employees are and the risks they’re taking by speaking up, which is why in order to implement an employee feedback management program, leadership must commit to rolling out truly anonymous tools.

Find the right tools to implement: With goals in mind, and a commitment to truly anonymous feedback, an organization now needs to find the right tools to adopt. This platform should be able to collect feedback anonymously, and centralize that feedback so that it’s easily manageable and actionable. It should also be able to provide easy case management so that administrators can assign concerns, and easily track completion. The platform should also be able to provide analytics and visualization that will allow you to draw insights and connections from the data gathered.

Education and awareness: Leadership can’t simply roll out an employee feedback management initiative by sending an email or having a meeting to talk about it, and then never speak about it again. Implementing a new approach to feedback in the workplace takes leadership and a top-down drive. It also takes building trust around the new platform, encouraging buy-in and use through normalizing the conversation around feedback, and showing that feedback is wanted and will be acted upon.

Analytics and tweaking: Finally, continue to monitor how your employee feedback program is doing by monitoring metrics like employee engagement, retention, and happiness. But also use the tools in the employee feedback management platform to analyze data to put numbers and percentages to inform the changes you’re making.

Best Practices for a Successful Feedback Program

TL;DR: What are some best practices you can adopt for a successful feedback program? Listen to your employees, lead the conversation around the importance of feedback, normalize giving feedback, act on submitted reports, and continue to iterate on the program.

Here are some best practices to help implement an employee feedback program, and how to keep it going.

Listen: The foundation to improving your workplace is committing to listening to your employees, and wanting to know the issues and concerns they face on a daily basis. In our research, we found that 41% of employees have left a workplace because they didn’t feel listened to. Additionally, 37% have left a job because they felt feedback wasn’t being taken seriously — yet you have the chance to change that.

Lead: The conversations and actions around implementing and sustaining an employee feedback program need to come from the top. Feedback is important for the entire organization, and if issues or concerns are ignored, they will affect the entire organization as well. Leadership can’t necessarily pass this off to HR, or assign it as a task to lower managers. Evolving a workplace culture needs to come from the top.

Normalize: Organizations need to normalize the conversation around the benefits of employee feedback, and not only encourage employees to give feedback, but provide tools and channels for them to do so in ways that make them the most comfortable. Creating a culture of feedback can take time, but as employees find they now have the tools to do so, and as organizations commit to acting on feedback, the culture of feedback will grow.

Act: Feedback programs are useless if the organization doesn’t act on any issues or concerns that are raised. In fact, only 38% of employees believe that organizations will take action on the feedback they share. Considering that employees who have given feedback report that 19% of their feedback is being ignored, and only 33% was partially resolved means that workplaces have much to prove to gain back employee trust. Organizations need to commit to following up and acting on the feedback that’s submitted, and need to have tools available to them, like an employee feedback management platform, that help them track and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Iterate: In order for an employee feedback program to be successful, organizations need to track not just the feedback they receive, but the frequency of feedback submissions, how many are resolved and how quickly, if any patterns are emerging, and more. Use the tools available to benchmark your progress on implementing an employee feedback program, and make changes as necessarily.

Employee Feedback Management Today and Tomorrow

We’ve learned in the wake of the #MeToo movement and the Black Lives Matter movement that organizations are being held to higher standards. But organizations shouldn’t just be held to higher standards by the media and by society — they should hold themselves to higher standards first.

The first step to creating an engaging, safe, and thriving work environment begins with listening to employees, and to give them ways through which they can share their feedback. Because if employees don’t have those ways, and believe that their workplace doesn’t actively care about their employees, they’ll share their feedback elsewhere — at which point it’s too late.

Click here to learn about how AllVoices can help you with your employee feedback management.

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